占い超越 占い凌駕 占い以上 青森の神様木村藤子気づきの極意

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"Kim Suma" and "Aura no Izumi" appeared in a hot topic!n"Gods Word" that saves you from suffering, regret, and despair

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TV・メディアで話題騒然!多くの芸能人の真実を暴き※救った脅威の的中力※【青森の神様】木村藤子が満を持してアプリに登場!「占い」よりも凄い! 「占い」を越えた透視!あなたを[苦悩・後悔・絶望]から救う最後の透視能力者木村藤子の「神様の言霊」を体験してください。あなたの悩みを救う数々の木村藤子の「気づき」一生独身? この次起こる出来事は? あの人の本音は?その迷い・不安・疑問全てにお応えします。-----------メニュー情報------------1.目から鱗“青森の神様”が暴き出す現実【相手の十の本音と最終決断】2.見抜ければ相違なきご縁!「あなたが結ばれる宿命の人」細密透視鑑定3.絶望の淵からあなたを救う!【人生・運命啓発鑑定】悟る心と奇跡の力4.赤い糸か見極めて“心を覗けば叶う恋”二人の現状、今後、最後の関係5.“疫病神”払って大願成就【あなたの仕事】天職・転機・成功・掴む財6.許す心で得られる信頼【二人の相性・相手の心・最終関係】永久愛蔵録7.【罪の意識との葛藤】相手の腹底、泥沼不倫の結末、貫くべき意思と愛8.現実化する神様の啓示!【あなたの結婚全運命】伴侶の印・婚期・晩年9.臆病な心も軽減【奇跡復縁鑑定】相手の後悔、すべき覚悟と戻る可能性10.勘づけば好転する恋「曖昧な関係のあの人の言動の真意、想い、願望」11.嗅ぎわけて決着「相手の欲望、SEXへの本心、裏切り、浮気の心配」12.青森の神様が示唆する「四つの転機」あなたの人生・仕事・恋・出会い13.要らぬ心配は無用です【相手の誠実な今の本心、今後の関係と近未来】14.幸不幸の差は紙一重!【人生救済の言霊】次あなたに迫る運命と出来事15.“真愛直面”目溢厳禁「あなたを想い慕う異性」特徴、ご縁と恋の道行16.【進展か現状止まりか】あの人の言動に隠された想い“渾身鑑定”17.【二者択一】相手への想い“貫く”か“断ち切る”か最良決断を伝授!18.身震いするほどの衝撃事実! あなたのこの先~三ヵ月後、一年後~19.不安溢れるあなたへ気づきの救済!「あの人の本心、本気度」完全鑑定20.【辛く苦しい恋】あの人へいずれ想いは届く? この恋の“衝撃結末”21.現実鑑定“青森の神様”が告げる【あの人の本心と恋の最終結末】22.要注意必須「二人の間で起こっている変化」と曖昧な恋に訪れる結末23.誤解無き様お伝えします! 半年後の未来【仕事・恋愛】全暴露24.あなたにはこの人! 身近にいた【あなたの運命の相手】25.【想いが募り過ぎて苦しい恋】あの人を振り向かせるための“手解き”26.あの人の態度、言葉に嘘偽り無し? 真実暴露で覚悟必須の渾身鑑定27.想い続けて平気?【難儀な恋】訪れる“好機”と手に入れる“幸福”28.将来は順風満帆? 阿鼻叫喚? 次に迫るあなたの“運命と出来事”29.【驚愕鑑定】あなたを幸せにする“結婚相手”の全貌を明かします30.切ないこの恋は永遠? あの人に届く?【最後に待ちうける衝撃結末】31.吃驚の事実! あの人が“結婚”の素振りを見せない本当の理由・胸中32.距離の縮まらないあの人との関係“九十日以内に起こる”劇的変化33.圧倒的実力!【あなたの人生幸福録】判断を下すべきときはいつ?34.【細密鑑定】運命の相手との“出会い”そして“独り身からの旅立ち”35.あの人が【鍵を掛けた】あなたへの“秘密”~理由・本音・恋の結末~36.恋人と友人どちら【曖昧な関係に終止符】あの人の本心曝け出します37.【好意的か苦手意識ありか】断言! あの人が思い描く“二人の関係”38.【知る人皆無】あなたの心の奥底に眠る過去の“闇”飛躍への第一歩39.将来のためには覚悟が必要?【生涯独身か未来は明るいか】究極鑑定40.【年下への恋】あの人が抱くあなたへの“本心”と“結婚の可能性”41.真相鑑定!【成就させたいこの想い】あの人が心に秘める三つの気持ちその他多数-------------------------------------------------完全無料メニュー情報----------※まずは無料でこの透視の凄さをご体験下さい※完全無料“青森の神様”渾身の幸福指南「今あなたが気づくべきこと」あなたの現状についてお話しますあの人の現状についてお話します----------------------------------------監修者【青森の神様◆木村藤子】とは・・・1947年、青森県生まれ。地元で有名な霊能者だった母親のもとで育つ。30代のとき神の声を聞き、霊視・透視能力を授かる。以来、日々多くの人の悩みを救っている。全国的にその名が知れわたり“青森の神様”、“ヘビの神様”といわれるきっかけになったのが、1990年の「ヘビ騒動」。地元で行方不明になったニシキヘビが現れる場所、時間を透視によっていい当てた。著書に『幸せの絆』、『幸せの風が吹いてくる』(主婦と生活社)などがあり、いずれもベストセラーとなる。※当アプリは多数出版されている木村藤子先生の書籍をベースに、お客様にお伝えしたいメッセージをアプリ化して提供させて頂いております。■幸せへの道を切り開く!木村藤子【神様の言霊】「幸せとは何なのか?」人間はその答えを探し求めて生きています。ときに苦しみ、他人を恨み、ときに涙し笑いながら……でもその答えは人の数だけ存在します。木村藤子「気づきの極意」では、テレビ特番が組まれるほど圧倒的な実力で芸能人を次々と透視し、各界に熱烈なファンを持つ透視能力者"青森の神様"木村藤子が気づく力でその答えを導きます!「幸せになるための条件とは?」「あなたに必要な苦しみと悲しみとは?」「幸福はあなたの中にどのように眠っているのか?」今こそ“青森の神様”木村藤子が贈る【神様の言霊】をお聞きください。芸能界も震撼……!まさに神の言霊。TVメディアでも号泣者が相次ぎ、様々な奇跡を生み出してきた木村藤子先生。各種メディアから超絶大反響!!◇◆"青森の神様"木村藤子が教える!気づきの極意について◆◇「気づく力」をつけることで得られる「幸せな生き方」をお伝えできればと思います。生きている限り、悩みが尽きることはありません。幸せに暮らしているのだろうと思われていても、実はものすごい悩みを抱えているというようなことはたくさんあります。物質的に恵まれていることが、必ずしも幸福に直結するという訳ではないのです。人を知ることで、自分のことも知ることができます。自分のことが分かれば、もっと人に優しくすることができ、人への優しさが今度は「「気づき」となって自分のところに返ってきます。このことを忘れずに、どうか幸せへの第一歩を歩み始めていただけたらと思います。====================================================【注意事項】・画面が真っ白になった場合、アプリ一度閉じていただき再起動をお試しください。・鑑定結果画面から鑑定一覧に戻る場合は【戻る】ボタンで戻ってください。・購入メニューは【TOP】の【鑑定履歴】からご確認いただけます。一度購入したメニューは、鑑定履歴以外からは再度課金が発生致しますのでご注意ください。・アプリ自体を削除した場合、購入したメニューも削除されますのでご了承ください。・必ず電波状況の良い場所でご利用ください。データが破損する可能性がございます。 ・鑑定中にアプリを終了しないようお願い致します。=====================================================A hot topic on TV and media! Uncovering the truth of many entertainers * The power of the threat that saved *[God of Aomori] Fujiko Kimura is fully prepared to appear in the app!Greater than "fortune-telling"! Perspective beyond "fortune-telling"!Experience the "Kotodama of God" by Fujiko Kimura, the last see-through ability person who saves you from [distress, regret, despair]."Awareness" of Fujiko Kimura who saves your worriesSingle for life? What will happen next? What is that persons true intention?We will answer all your doubts, anxieties and doubts.----------- Menu information ------------1. The reality that the scale "God of Aomori" reveals from the eyes [Ten real intentions of the other party and the final decision]2. If you can see through, there is no difference! "The person you are destined to be tied to"3. Save you from the edge of despair! [Life / Fate Enlightenment Appraisal] Enlightenment and the power of miracles4. Whether its a red thread or not, "love that comes true if you look into your heart"5. Pay the "Pesticide God" and fulfill your big wish [Your job] Jobs, turning points, successes, goods to grab6. Trust gained from the heart of forgiveness [Compatibility of two people, heart of the other person, final relationship] Permanent favorite book7. [Conflict with guilt] The other partys abdomen, the end of the quagmire affair, the will and love to penetrate8. Revelation of God to be realized! [Your marriage fate] Your companions seal, marriage period, and later years9. Relieve timid hearts [Miracle rehabilitation appraisal] Repentance of the other party, preparedness to return and possibility of returning10. Love that turns around if you think about it "The true intentions, feelings, and desires of that persons words and actions in an ambiguous relationship"11. Smell and settle "The desire of the other party, the true intention of SEX, betrayal, worry about cheating"12. "Four turning points" suggested by the god of Aomori Your life, work, love, encounter13. No need to worry [the other persons sincere present intention, future relationship and near future]14. The difference between happiness and unhappiness is a single piece of paper! [Kotodama of life salvation] The fate and events that approach you next15. "Face with true love" Strictly forbidden eyes "The opposite sex who longs for you" Features, the path of ties and love16. [Progress or stop at present] Feelings hidden in that persons words and actions "Whole body appraisal"17. [Choice of choice] Teach the best decision whether to "penetrate" or "cut off" the feelings for the other party!18. A shocking fact that makes you tremble! Your future-three months later, one year later-19. Relief for your anxiety! "That persons true feelings, seriousness" complete appraisal20. [Spicy and painful love] Will your feelings reach that person? The "shock ending" of this love21. Reality appraisal "God of Aomori" tells [the final ending of that persons true heart and love]22. Need to be careful "Changes happening between two people" and the end of a vague love23. I will tell you without any misunderstandings! The future after half a year [work / romance] all exposure24. This person for you! Close to you [your destined partner]25. [Love that is painful because of too many feelings] "Unraveling" to turn around that person26. Is there no lie in that persons attitude and words? The whole body appraisal that must be prepared for truth exposure27. Are you okay with your thoughts? [Difficult love] “Opportunity” to visit and “happiness” to obtain28. Is the future smooth sailing? Annoying screaming? Your "fate and event" approaching next29. [Amazing Appraisal] We will reveal the whole picture of the "marriage partner" that makes you happy30. Is this sad love forever? Will it reach that person? [The last shocking ending]31. Surprising facts! The real reason why that person does not show the pretense of "marriage" ・ In my heart32. Relationship with that person who does not shrink the distance Dramatic change that "occurs within 90 days"33. Overwhelming ability! [Your Life Happiness Record] When should you make a decision?34. [Detailed Appraisal] “Encounter” and “Departure from a Single” with a destined partner35. That person [locked] "secret" to you-reason, true intention, ending of love-36. Either a lover or a friend [Ending an ambiguous relationship] Exposing that persons true feelings37. [Affirmative or weak] Affirmation! The "relationship between the two" envisioned by that person38. [No one knows] The first step to the "darkness" leap of the past that sleeps deep inside your heart39. Need to be prepared for the future? [Is the future single or bright in the future] Ultimate appraisal40. [Love for younger people] That persons "heart" and "possibility of marriage" for you41. Truth assessment! [This feeling I want to fulfill] Three feelings that person has in his heartMany others------------------------------------------------- Completely free menu information ----------* First of all, please experience the awesomeness of this perspective for free *Completely free "God of Aomori" Whole body happiness guidance "What you should notice now"I will talk about your current situationI will talk about the current situation of that person----------------------------------------What is the supervisor [God of Aomori ◆ Fujiko Kimura]?Born in Aomori prefecture in 1947. Raised by a mother who was a famous psychic in the area.When he was in his thirties, he heard the voice of God and was given the ability to see through. Since then, he has saved many peoples worries every day. The 1990 "Snake Riot" was the catalyst for the name "Aomori God" and "Snake God" to be known nationwide. I guessed the place and time when the locally missing python appeared by seeing through. His books include "The Bond of Happiness" and "The Wind of Happiness Blows" (Shufu to Seikatsusha), all of which are bestsellers.* This app is based on the many published books by Professor Fujiko Kimura, and we provide the message you want to convey to our customers as an app.■ Pave the way for happiness! Fujiko Kimura [Gods Word]"What is happiness?" Humans live in search of the answer. Sometimes suffering, resenting others, sometimes tearing and laughing ... but there are as many answers as there are people.In Fujiko Kimuras "The Secret of Awareness," Fujiko Kimura, a clairvoyant who has enthusiastic fans in various fields, sees through celebrities one after another with overwhelming ability so that a special TV program can be set up. Guide! "What are the conditions for being happy?" "What are the pains and sorrows you need?" "How is happiness sleeping in you?" Now is the time for "God of Aomori" Fujiko Kimura. Please listen to [Gods Word].The entertainment world is also shaking ...! It is exactly the word of God.Fujiko Kimura, who has created various miracles with a series of crying people on TV media.Transcendental response from various media! !!◇ ◆ "God of Aomori" Fujiko Kimura teaches! About the secret of awareness ◆ ◇I would like to convey the "happy way of life" that can be obtained by gaining "awareness". As long as you are alive, your worries will never run out. Even if you think that you are living happily, there are many things that you actually have terrible worries. Being materially blessed does not necessarily directly lead to happiness. By knowing people, you can also know yourself.If you know yourself, you can be more kind to people, and the kindness to people will be "awareness" and will come back to you. Please do not forget this and start taking the first step toward happiness.================================================== ==【Notes】・ If the screen goes blank, please close the app and restart it.・ To return to the appraisal list from the appraisal result screen, click the [Back] button.・ You can check the purchase menu from [Appraisal history] in [TOP].Please note that once you purchase a menu, you will be charged again from other than the appraisal history.・ Please note that if you delete the app itself, the purchased menu will also be deleted.・ Be sure to use the product in a place with good reception. Data may be corrupted.・ Please do not close the app during the appraisal.================================================== ===システム調整を行いました。